Sunday, March 22, 2020

Eyes of Doves


Someone had recently walked me through some scriptures in the Song of Solomon (1:15).  One of the things mentioned was about the relevancy in reference to doves' eyes.

My morning started off with time just entering into the secret place and just resting in the peace and assurance that is found there.  I remember towards the end of my time in my prayer saying Lord, let me be reminded and always drawback frequently into your presence.  Let my source of strength and peace be found by coming back into your presence.  Let me just be honest, that while my intentions and my heart were good, I got caught in a web of emotions that distracted and blinded me from my very prayer.  Tears, frustrations, things not working out right or at all, just seemed to be the reality.  Little did I realize until almost the end of the day I had developed the eyes of a fly with circumstances rather than the eyes of a dove.

The eyes of a fly have many lenses allowing them to see everything all around them within a certain close perimeter.  The eyes of a dove are designed and have the ability to focus on one thing at a time.

So often we put on so many lenses of the circumstances and situations all around us that we become unable to focus on what reality matters and who really matters.  We fly around feeding on garbage and filth going from thing to thing in our mind.  We are to have the eyes of a dove that is so focused on the one who loves us and the one we are called to love, that when things become troubling and pressing (like the events in our world or individual lives) we do not become consumed and distracted by it all.  We are to simply point our eyes and our focus to the place he calls us to enter into his peace knowing he has it all in his hands.

If he has eyes of a dove for me like in the Song of Songs, what do I need to lay aside that I would gain the eyes of a dove for him who coos and calls me his own for life?  May I take today's difficult lesson, and learn to singly focus my eyes on him, the real source of peace and strength at all times.