Sunday, May 18, 2014

Magic Erasers or Dirty Clay

Sitting here thinking about what the stories of our life would be like if we could take a magic eraser to the the marks wounds and bruises of life. As we erased the eraser itself would discinegrate along with the troubles and trials we try to say good bye to.

It is not like that though. If we were so easily able to erase all the things we didn't like there would be no room for growth and strength as well as the character needing molded. We would not be pulled stretched and pounded to become something beautiful. Essentially we would be a soggy useless clump of clay lying in its own puddle of sorrow.

We must be willing to not just be wiped away and covered over but dug up, thrown down, kneaded and beaten, before we can begin to have the masters gentle hands begin to cup around us smoothing out the rough edges while he builds us up.

The work however, does not stop there. Once formed he lets us sit rest and catch our breath knowing he is not finished with us. There are better things coming but not without out pain and sorrow and a lot of heat. In order for our pots to be perfected in beauty and be used they must be fired in the refiners fire. It is there in all of the heat of life when we wonder how much we can withstand and if the cracks have all been sealed or if we will crack some more.

But the masters knows his work and the beauty he is bringing about no matter how painful the process is. It all cannot happen without be willing to not erase but embrace the trials of life. Just a lump of clay is not all that beautiful. The real beauty comes from being walked on, picked at, dug at, and beaten down before being chosen to be used.

Magic erasers would only rid our lives of the ugly dirty clump of mud that seems to offer nothing. The dirty spots of life that come with cracks and shattered pieces. We can truly be thankful we are not the master or have easy acess to the magic erasers to life.

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