Saturday, April 11, 2020

Planted Tree


God has a way of gently getting our attention.  Yesterday, "I" had plans and a schedule "I" wanted to follow.  It didn't go that way as I found myself confined to bed with a migraine.  I had moments of sharing my frustrations and disappointments with God about a day wasted.  Jump ahead to today, "I" once again had an agenda, but decided in my mind I would be more intentional in my devotional time with him.  "I" still had an agenda of what I wanted to see for the day.  I would start off with something only to be stopped for it to be dealt with another day.  Move onto the next thing on my list.  Once again, I was stopped again only for it to be dealt with another day.  My attitude had been becoming like that of shifting sand and beginning to feel unsteady.  Despite all that though, God would still reveal his love and pursuit of me through His provision and gently speaking to me through non-else but trees.  It's always so interesting to me how he will use the things that interest us or that we connect deeply to as tools to teach us something.  Today my agenda was put aside so he could have me study the significance of trees in correlation to life.

It all started with Ps 1:3 and Jer 17:8 where both verses similarly talk about being like a tree by streams or riverbanks (pending your version).  Let's walk through this together as we look at the importance of being planted by the water.

Trees planted by the water provide shade, help to cool the air and stream water both.  Purifies the air above the ground and the soil beneath.  It firmly and deeply roots helping to reduce the threats of flooding and erosion as it binds and stabilizes the soil beneath it.  Trees also help to break up wind forces.  Their need for water is displayed in their leaves and fruits.  The more saturated the roots the more water is pushed up through the trunk of the tree to the leaves and fruits it bears.  Without an abundance of water in the soil, the leaves would wilt and possibly die.  There has to be such an abundance that it has no choice but to flow outward to its leaves.

As I looked out the window in observation, as the trees still appear barren, I could not help but be reminded of the importance of being firmly rooted and the need for seeking the life-sustaining water that will soon force its budding leaves to burst forth with growth.  In Ps 1 it says "They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season.  Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do."  In Jer 17:8 it says, They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water.  Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought.  Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit."

I just pondered on these verses and listened as I began asking myself some questions and thoughts.  Being planted in rich fertile soil (the word of God) and by streams of water (the living water of the word) allows us to take root and grow deeper.  The deeper in his word we go, the deeper our roots become planted in him.  As growth develops and continues the soil in which I am planted will change and become more fertile which is necessary for feeding my roots and purify the ground, the air, and the water around me.  My growth as a tree planted by the water is necessary for shade from the hot trials of life when he invites us to come and rest under the shade and protection of his presence.  He reminds us to stay closely planted by his cooling refreshing waters of his Spirit speaking to us through his living word.  It is only there that we can drink and become saturated with his water that we take in enough water to reach the leaves and fruit ready to burst forth of the goodness and redemptive power of him in our lives for others to see and taste of his goodness.

So as I chose to only focus on primarily these two verses, I am left asking myself some hard questions and thoughts to ponder.

  1. Am I being planted by the stream of living water?
  2. Am I allowing myself to be firmly rooted in his word and presence?
  3. Am I drinking in enough of Him that my leaves and fruit produce the results of the living water of His work in my life?
  4. Am I allowing the purification to take place, by my firm planting and constant need of him in my life that I emit the purity of his love and grace?
  5. Am I firmly planted that when the scorching heat, or the strong winds of life blow that my leaves don't wither or my roots shift and give way to circumstances and satan's lies?
I leave these thoughts and the lessons through God's creation for us to ponder and ask if we are being firmly planted and rooted even when life is uncertain.

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