Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Caught In The Web


I have to admit this post is not coming easy to write and comes with much procrastination on my part.  It all started as my attention was drawn to a spider who has a web outside my window.  I found it interesting to watch how quickly the spider rushed to securely wrap its prey in the web.  It can be seen as the black dots on the picture.  I love to watch and see the intricate details of things in God's creation and what there may be to learn from such observations.  It seemed I was given this vision almost immediately that I found somewhat troubling.  I asked God what is it you are showing me and telling me.  If you ask him, don't be surprised by his answer whether you like it or not.  I admit I don't like this one, yet I am not surprised.  I think sometimes those hard things he shows us can easily take us in the wrong direction if we let it.  It has for me at least.  That is not part of his plan.  These things are meant to grow us, stretch us, force dependence on his truths, and find spiritual balance in our lives.

So back to the vision and the different key aspects he showed me concerning the spider and its web.  This may come as a harsh reality, but I want it to be a warning for my own heart and soul as well as for others who may need this.  

How many times do we really see spider webs without first noticing maybe the things that may be trapped in them, the dew resting on them, or eye captured glisten from the sun hitting it just right, or maybe from the spider itself?  The vision I saw was so many walking into the spider's web of deception by their view on other things around them.  Before they know, the spider scurries down the web from hiding to wrap them and bind them in the entanglement of lies and deception.  Unless someone steps up with the skills to save the spider's victim by tearing away the web of lies and demonic deception, they succumb to their own death.

In my asking God what all this was supposed to tell me, he gave me some very clear warnings and pictures of what is going on along with some verses he pointed me to.  

We are now living amongst the spiders.  We have watched the eggs hatch and more spread out around us.  We see the spiders but have become blinded to watch for some of their webs they are making before us.  God is calling for us to pull out his light of truth to illuminate the deceptive webs that will entangle us.  Isaiah 59 gives us a clear picture of what is before us.  In verses 5-6 it says 

They hatch deadly snakes and weave spiders’ webs. Whoever eats their eggs will die; whoever cracks them will hatch a viper. 

6 Their webs can’t be made into clothing, and nothing they do is productive. All their activity is filled with sin, and violence is their trademark. 

We see so much of this going on and sadly we are seeing it in the churches.  We are falling into the web of fear and lies and choosing to eat and partake of the dictated menu before us instead of the meat of truth of God's word.  The government has told churches and people to cower in fear and not look for the webs being placed in front of them that will capture their freedoms to worship and preach God's truths.  The government has made you a dinner it wants you to eat filled with mind-altering poison  One bite of their poisonous eggs that were eaten and we watched vipers and spiders being released at a rapid and destructive rate.  However, many are still choosing to be caught in the web of fear for the sake of the gospel.  Many are choosing to be caught in the web of deception and lies laid before us.  If we don't start picking up our flashlight of God's truths to illuminate the webs being made rapidly before us, we will be caught in the entanglement of their plan only to be eaten by the spider satan himself.  Many will be caught in this web who proclaim Christianity but will succumb to death of a mark from falling prey to a web of lies and deception.  Churches and Christians God is calling you to not get caught in these webs, but to go out with your light and sword and start standing in the truths of his word, cutting away the web of lies and deception entangling others with his love and truth to save others from the death trap of the spider's web.  

In Job 8:14 says What they trust in is fragile; what they rely on is a spider’s web.  What are we trusting?  What are we relying on?  Are we trusting the fragility of life and government?  Are we relying on the deceptive lies of the spider's web being set before us?  

Isaiah 22:2 says Stop trusting in mere humans, who have but a breath in their nostrils. Why hold them in esteem?

John 14:1 “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.

Psalm 62:8 Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.

Psalm 56:11  In God I trust and am not afraid. What can man do to me?

If we say we trust in God, then what are we fearing and teaching others to fear?  I believe God is not saying all of this to just me, but to others as well.  It is time to learn to really learn to stand and exercise God's truths and stand up.  Time to turn on our flashlights and not fear worship and church nor put restrictions for worship and church assembling.  Webs ensnare and separate and it is time to take down the webs, stand in the truth, and spread the light and truth of eternal life, not death.  

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