Sunday, February 6, 2011

Precious moments

Today as I stood in true worship and reflection of communion, I was interrupted by a little boy who showed me the glimpse of one day becoming a man.  I could not help but get tears in my eyes and bask in the pure innocent glory of his words.

For so long I had wondered if the little boy that I started dragging, while almost kicking and screaming, to church had no realization of God or who God is.  I had cried and dreaded every time I heard his hurting words of God is not real and how much he did not like him.  I could only begin to learn to strengthen my own faith and pray that opportunities would arise to show a little boy how real God was and is.  For him if he could  not see something or someone, feel it, or hear it then it truly did not exist.  However, I knew that I had to remain faithful and allow the time needed for him to discover how real this person named God is that he could not physically see or feel.  It really showed me an even greater depth about what it is to have faith in the unseen or even in the unknown.  That pure faith  of believing what God says and promises he always holds true even when in our own human eyes seems to be nothing but purely impossible.

As I tried to keep focused to hear his every word as well as converse with him, I could not help but begin praising God for an answer to prayer.  The words I never want to forget nor the moment of a boy that just turned 9 the day before saying "Mom I just asked God to forgive me of my sins".  To hear a child acknowledge and admit his confession of sins to one he has come to realize is so big and so real is worth more than any price tag of gold.  Those moments of memories will carry on in my heart and I pray that I continue to  daily surrender the needs and realties of raising children who love God to God who is ever faithful  to show himself real.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading this blog as well! You have some special blessings going on in your life!
