I have recently been tossing the question of "Am I Enough" in my mind. I thought about it again, asking God in a subtle quiet way to show me some thoughts on this subject.
So often those who have gone through abuse or abandonment of some form go through processing this question in their mind. There becomes' this search and quest for acceptance and identity. I am coming to realize there is a big difference in being enough and doing enough. We can never do enough to earn the favor of God or repay him for what he has done or given to us. However, we are enough for him, because he created us and formed us in his image. He handpicked and crafted us with our own fingerprint and design. We are enough because he delights in us and our presence with him.
Our past and our scars don't determine our being enough to him. He sees past the hurt, the past sins, the scars, the broken shattered pieces and dust of our lives, and sees us as something beautiful he crafted with his own hands. Someone he handpicked for a purpose to one day share his story of goodness and love.
He simply asks that we cross the bridge from the forest of our past, and walk into the meadow of his presence and peace. He is sitting on the bench underneath the shade of a tree waiting for you to accept his presence of being enough. The one who invites you to sit with him and relish in the love of his grace and goodness. He delights in park bench conversations to tell you that he delights in you. To tell you he loves you. To tell you that you are simply enough the way you are. When you ask what about my ugly scars, he simply asks what scars. I see beyond your scars to the rare beautiful gems hidden inside you. Those gems that glisten with excitement and delight in what he values and created with his purpose and plan of good things for your life.
He says what you see as broken and shattered I see as a beautiful masterpiece. I see the artistry that will tell and share a story of my goodness to others. A story only you can understand and share with others. A story of God's grace, love, and redemption. So the concluding answer to a question that I and maybe others ask of "Am I Enough?" is simply Yes, You Are Enough!
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