Friday, December 31, 2021

Who is your Author?


We all hear about how our life is like that of a book.  Each day we live and the things we go through write our story and have great potential to grow us or destroy us.  We have all have an author for our book.  It is up to us to choose the author.  We must choose wisely how we listen to the words in which will be written.  If we are not careful, the author we prefer may become replaced by the thoughts that consume our mind.  If we are not careful about what is about to be written, those thoughts become actions that flow from the author’s pen. 

Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you, says the Lord, plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” AMP  He wants to be our full-time author of our story.  He is patient and kind but will never force himself to write our story.  We must trust what will flow from the tip of his pen to the pages of our life.  Even when we allow the pen to be handed over to the thoughts and words of Satan our Papa just waits to be handed back the pen so that he can continue writing.  We must make the choice to hand it to him through repentance.  He then takes the pen and cleans it off with His Son's bloodshed on the cross.

There will be times as the pages turn that those pages get marked and smudged with tears or even dirt from the hurt of our life.  They may even become tattered and torn.  He invites us to sit with him as he writes so that we can share the pages of our story together.  It is a necessary process because he will only write what we grant the thoughts He gives us to be written.  There will be chapters and versions of our already written book we may release or want to be released.  However, there will also be times where we will be placed on the shelf and as our author needs to edit our story.  He may also take us through preparation training for something greater, he wants to write.  There is no shame in being shelved, while revisions and reviews are being done about what was once written or needs to be rewritten.  He desires to replace some of the torn and tattered pages and give beautiful new pages to our book.  He only desires to write the best story, but we must fully give him control of the pen of our life and allow him to make revisions and beauty out of all the pages both past and present.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not certain who processed the above verbiage, but this is WONDERFUL!! Thanks be to HaShem for erasable ink!!! HaShem, Av, Ahev - WRITE THE STORY!! Dear Yeshua - MAKE IT BEAUTIFUL!!! Ruach of HaShem Elohim - BE THE PUBLISHER!!!
    YES, YES, YES - AMEN!!
