Saturday, July 4, 2020

Faith of a Mustard Seed

Faith of a Mustard Seed


This morning I seemed to really wrestle to enter into a time of intimacy with the Father.  I struggled to find worship music to fit my wrestling mode of mind.  As I finally settled on something, simply tired of searching, I would settle on one of my favorites.  The theme of the music set choice was based on fear.  My recovery Bible readings would lead me to a passage in Luke 15:11-24 in the story of the Parable of the Lost Son, the forgiveness, and restoration demonstrated in this parable.  My next reading would lead me to a passage in Psalms 103:1-22 where it talked about Forgiveness.  As I meditated on this for a while and let it stir my thoughts, there was a theme to where God was bringing me and yet he would not stop here.  I eventually decided to move on with my day and prepare to get a shower.  There in the shower a door of release and exposure before the Father occurred.  

As I let the warmth of the shower sprinkle and pour over me, I was once again reminded of the vision he had given me of how when I enter transparently and completely exposed before him in surrender and thanksgiving his water and blood wash away the stains, frustrations, and disappointment of my sin before him.  

In the shower, he gave me one word and one word only that would humble before him, and that word was FAITH.  Where is your faith for restoration you long for your children?  Where is your faith, that you are forgiven before me, and must maintain forgiveness for others?   When you let fear override your faith, then the unforgiveness finds its way in.  As I stood there in thanksgiving for what he was showing me, I simply asked and yet said, but God my faith doesn't even seem to be that of a mustard seed for restoration.  He ever so gently said, do you have faith as a grain of sand which is smaller?  Yes, Father, I do.  He says, then give me what you have.  I can work and grow with what you have when you give it to me.  So with my grain of sand and my arms lifted in the air as the shower continued to pour over me, I released what faith I had, and watched that grain of sand size faith begins to grow in my heart.

That grain of sand, began to move another boulder inside the mountain blocking my way and his light he was trying to shine on my heart.  When we give him what we feel we have, no matter how little or how large of faith it may be, he can use it.  It is in this minute amount, he says I give you the assurance and the knowing for what you cannot see.  It is that seed, the builds the bridge of intercession to me that will break through and move your mountain that seems unmovable.  All I ask is that no matter how little or big you give me what you have and hold tight to my promise of restoration for a finished work that I have begun, that you yet may not see.

Matthew 17:20 says "You don't have enough faith," Jesus told them.  "I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move.  Nothing would be impossible."

Hebrews 11:1 says Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

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